
Videos featuring The Fish Farmers farms and team!

Looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of city life? Today’s SFAMakanTime will take you on a trip to Gardenasia, one of our Farm-to-Table Recognition Programme (FTTRP) recipients! 🥚 🐟🥬

CNA INSIDERS feature our CEO Malcolm Ong, as they cover the challenges he faced transiting into the Aquaculture industry.

Fish farming in Singapore has been growing rapidly in recent years. One of the most notable fish farms in Singapore is The Fish Farmer, founded by Malcolm Ong. With over 20 years of experience in the IT industry, Malcolm turned his hand full-time to aquaculture and now owns 4 sea-based farms that produce about 1,000 tonnes of fish a year using traditional methods. Some of the fish species farmed by The Fish Farmer include milkfish, grey mullet, red snapper, barramundi (Asian sea bass), golden pomfret and sea perch.

To double production sustainably, Malcolm has joined hands with scientists under the Singapore Food Agency’s AquaPolis R&D programme. The goal for Malcolm is to develop superior fingerlings with faster growth rates, lower mortality from common fish diseases, and higher Omega-3 content.

Singapore imports over 90% of its food but has set a “30 by 30” goal to ramp up the capability and capacity of the agri-food industry to sustainably produce 30% of its nutritional needs by 2030. Aquaculture is a priority in this. If you’re looking for fresh and locally sourced fish in Singapore, then look no further than The Fish Farmer.
Amid the global food crisis and dwindling fish stocks, The Fish Farmers farm is leading the charge towards sustainable seafood in Singapore using new aquaculture technologies. As two-thirds of the world’s fish stocks are already being fished at their limits, Our goal is to provide a promising solution to overfishing. However, this rise in fish farming is under threat due to climate change and poor maintenance. To address this, our high-tech fish farms are developed as sustainable alternatives to traditional fishing practices. Ultimately, the fish industry must reform itself to become more equitable and sustainable.
In order for The Fish Farmer to keep up with current technological trends and changing climate we have sent out the youngest and greatest minds to the AquaPolis programme to better prepare for the future and meet Singapore’s 30 by 30 goal.
TheHomeGround Asia interviews our founder Malcolm Ong to find out his motivation to switch from engineering to farming and the challenges he faces being a key player in the aquaculture industry.
CityJo Carson met our farmer Soe Pyae Kyaw (SP), who shares with Carson his farming experience, his day to day work at the fish farm and how they process our customer’s orders for delivery.
Backyard Productions SG explores how local farms help protects Singapore food security during the pandemic.

Watch how The Fish Farmer help meets Singapore “30 by 30” goal by reducing it reliance of foreign fish imports, by increase the amount of fishes grown locally sustainability through collaborating with Singapore Food Agency.

The Fish Farmer, a Singapore fish farm dedicated to natural and sustainable fish farming, is interviewed by Singapore Home Cooks. Their fish are raised without the use of growth hormones, and more than 70% of the farm is constructed from recycled materials. See how the fish are given space to swim in the water and time to grow in this video.

The Royal Singapore interview us to find out more about how The Fish Farmer has helped with Singapore’s fresh fish supply during COVID-19.

Wang Lei 王雷 visits our local kelong to find the freshest catch for his viewers

In collaboration with the Singapore Tourism Board and the Economic Development Board, the Great Big Story YouTube channel featured our local fish farm.
“Damn Worth It” visits our local farm to learn how The Fish Farm meets Singapore fish demand as the leading distributor of sustainable seawater farmed fish.
Straits Times correspondents discover how The Fish Farmer use technology to revitalize Singapore local aquaculture industry in order to respond to changing environmental issues.
The Fish Farmer’s CEO, Malcolm Ong featured on Channel News Asia
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