AI In Our

Fish Farms

Find out more on how AI has helped us in our everyday farming operations!

AI-Based Technology

The Fish Famer recently adopted IoT and AI technologies to farm fish more efficiently.

One of the challenges in fish farming is accurately counting fish stocks. Previously, we manually counted our fish stocks, which was time-consuming and prone to errors. To tackle this issue, we are using “Farmlink AIoT ” developed by us. Farmlink AIoT consists of 3 types of technologies; an AI-based fish counting application, an IoT-based water quality monitoring system and an IoT-based temperature monitoring system.

For this particular webpage, let’s focus on the AI-based fish counting application. This technology allows farmers to record videos of fish swimming through nets, which are then analyzed by the AI software to automatically count fish numbers and estimate fish weight and length. This not only streamlines fish inventory management but also helps monitor fish health and growth more effectively.

Additionally, we utilize AI for population estimation, preventing overfeeding and reducing water pollution. By accurately estimating fish populations using AI, we optimize feeding practices and ensure a healthier environment for the fish to grow.

By enhancing AI technology, we enhance farmers’ productivity and efficiency. Our adoption of AI demonstrates our commitment to innovation and excellence in aquaculture. By harnessing the power of AI, we are paving the way for a more efficient, environmentally friendly, and productive fish farming industry.

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